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2012.03.04. 21:15 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Cloudlicker. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

everyday I'm dreaming you
so I'm not alone
everyday you're coated in clouds
so I'm licking clouds

everyday I'm dreaming you
so I'm not alone
I'm no longer alone
everyday you're coated in clouds
and I'm licking clouds
through these cloud shafts I'm licking

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Címkék: music dream chill psychedelic song experimental original gyz djent


2012.02.26. 18:38 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Pimp. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

I feel like a waste of space
by life's capricious ways
and if life is a biatch
too bad 'cause I'm not a pimp

your mood is what it is
life doesn't give a shit


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Címkék: music metal song thrash original gyz

Kumin szerint és az európai szel(l)em

2012.02.22. 22:52 GyZ

Kumin Ferenc (Századvég?? Alap : Hitvány.) a magyar ATV "A Tét" c. műsorában nyújtott teljesítményétől már elég régóta jön rám a pszichomotorosan agitált ajakszegleti rángás, ám Kumin mostani rezdülésegyüttesei nyomán megnyilatkozásra kell vetemednem, lotyók!

Ez jön most.

Mint ismeretes, Navracsics Tibor szokásos duplafenekű konszenzus-és parasztszedálását Neelie Kroes nem átallott látványos módon exponálni a közelmúltban, mikor is!! Szembesítette a multinacionális kaptár-valót Navracsics hinta-retorikájával, rámutatván, hogy ez az ember mond valamit zárt ajtók mögött, majd aztán publikus keretek között már "on spot" csúsztatgat, sejma, alamuszi, sunyi mód, de persze úgy, hogy az jó legyen Orván Viktornak, aki Magyarország mincsielcsije, ami szerintem tök ciki.

("Aside" naszád : számold meg, Orbán Viktor hányszor igazgatja meg az előre készített lapocskáit a pulpituson beszéd közben ujjakkal. Gyurcsány ma is lenyom másfél órát paksaméta nélkül, de ez nem jelenti, hogy azonnali Gyurcsány-fan vagyok jelenleg.)

Kumin Ferenc szemforgató, csapnivalóan silány argumentációja a következő volt : szerinte eflogadhatatlan, hogy Neelie Kroes ÍGY megalázta Navracsics Tibort, - brühü. - felrúgván az alapvető udvariassági szabályokat és hovaásíthatok. Szerencsére Lengyel László leoltotta ezt a szánalmas, érvelés-vergődésnek is csak pszeudó-ígéretként taksálható nemistudoménmitmozgatjaaszájátezt azzal, hogy itt sacc az alapvető európai étoszról, az európai SZELLEMRŐL alkotott metaképek kvázikényszerű ütköztetéséről van szó, hiszen a nyugati valóságcsatorna számára alighanem teljesen új a Fidesz féle pofátlanság-epitómiával és hintaretorikával megvívandó küzdelemegyüttesek harmotos kihívásszerűsége. Itt egy dangling modifier : "tetszik nekem anyukád harisnyában".

Erre Kumin - haha - Ferenc - ahhahahhaha - azt mondja : igen, igen, dehát. Ezek az európai szellemmel kapcolatos lütyők, hát ezekhez nem tartoznak világos mércék, satöbbi.

Micsoda ótvarhányadéklápikardélrehányás duma már, kérem. Innen, erről a helyről üzenem Kumin Ferencnek, hogy az európai szellem teljesen világos mércével mérhető, és ez a mérce többek között én, magam és jómagam meg az ürge, aki írja ezt vagyunk, kik rigorózus kollektívaként gyomorkavarodunk Navracsics Tibor hintaretorikájától, mert pontosan EZ a teljesen pofátlan, mindenkit végbélhülyének nézős, szubzérus-következetességel bíró olcsópincsi hintaretorika az, ami pl. nem fér bele az európai étoszba és szellembe, és erre mutatott rá - dormáns mód - Neelie Kroes is. Kumin kényszeres, kompulzív kormánymosdatása - tudtommal nem volt még mozdulata a Fidesznek mely köré Kumin Ferenc elmulasztott volna testületlelkületileg odaájulni - megejtő szánalomária. Véredényem szerint, persze. Na mindegy is.

Még valami. A Zentay Péter miért van benne minden Civil a Pályánban a Zentay Péter? Szerintem ne legyen benne a Zentay Péter szerintem minden Civil a Pályánban szerintem, szerintem Zentay Péter vegye észre, amikor Zentay Péter sok(k) havi leosztásban Zentay Péter.

Mindezeken túl : béke, szeretet! Hallgassátok ez idő szerinti legutóbbi nótámat, az Apokalipszis Gyárat!!

Apocalypse Factory

(Meg a többit is.) (Ez alatt a mondat alatt vannak, hülye-e vagy.)

GyZ gives you songs for entertainment purposes

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Címkék: vélemény politika a magyar atv ferenc andrás századvég tét bánó műsora kumin alaphitvány véredény harisnyáslábakigenigen

Apocalypse Factory

2012.02.19. 21:19 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Apocalypse Factory. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

erasing the truth that can't be heard
wielding the tectonics of the Earth

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music metal song experimental original gyz djent

Immune - The Rapture

2012.02.12. 20:38 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Immune - The Rapture. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

fundamental process
drives to occupy
exponential outcomes
chaos organized
unbound in all directions
inward floating face
exploding into time
bathing it in space

totality fragment
desolation home
limited by total
immunity form

flexible immensity
a flexible immensity
fractal uniformity

the rapture
give me give me
give me the rapture
give me give me
give me the rapture

a flexible immensity

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Címkék: music metal song experimental rapture process original gyz djent fundamental


2012.02.05. 14:56 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Volatile. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

life is killing me
building a new me within
I try to understand
but it's not in the mood to sin
not in the mood to sin


give me my defeat
I'm not in the mood to win
I know how to be
nothing at all
and everything

this is the moment I
becoming volatile
igniting every inch
pulling hell to a clinch

volatile, choosing control
God help me, I'm in for more
choosing choosing choosing control

as a gentle reminder for myself

life is killing me
building a new me within
I try to understand
but it's not in the mood to sin
not in the mood to sin


give me my defeat
I'm not in the mood to win
I know how to be
nothing at all
and everything

this is the moment I
becoming volatile
igniting every inch
pulling hell to a clinch

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: r&b music metal doom song original gyz volatility volatile

Faint No More Djentchick

2012.01.29. 22:42 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Faint No More Djentchick. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

get out of your bed
get off your blood

get out of your bed
be awesome all day
then go back to your bed

it's taking me on a ride
I'm your bad feeling
I'm killing it all the while
I'm your bad feeling

get out of your bed
get off your blood

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Címkék: music guitar song experimental original depression motivational gyz djent inspirational


2012.01.22. 21:46 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Shade. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

moves with the shade
makes love with the shade

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Címkék: music song original gyz

Rebel Without a Pause

2012.01.15. 18:16 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Rebel Without a Pause. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

I was alone
life did not care
I looked for the city
and it was still there

you came up with
the face I recognize
china in your hand
rebellion in your eyes

crimson sky decays in my mind
above a concrete monument
imprisoning what is inside
will of the one that can't be heard

old world odor in the air
where fear is in control
they're losing the upper hand
in the invisible war

bona fide intent
knocking on the door
bringing a vision
to the invisible war

I'm burning all my money
I am not with the killuminati

old world odor
smell it on the money
I am not with the killuminati

old world odour
I'm burning all my money
I am not with the killuminati

your very best day on death row
taking back every tomorrow
can you make them feel everything I do?
cryptodira with a yakuza tattoo

this is what they adore
when fear is in control
that tender sound you've heard
not your name anymore

the less you ask the more
fear is in control
intellect : impose
rebel without a pause

the less you feel the more
fear is in control
heart and soul : impose
rebel without a pause

guaranteed quarantine evergreen
not gonna look so good on spilled adrenaline
your guaranteed quarantine evergreen
inflicts the pain of what we've never been

I'm burning all my money
I am not with the killuminati

old world odor
smell it on the money
I am not with the killuminati

old world odor
I'm burning all my money
I am not with the killuminati

I'd rather die by the hands of an assassin today
than to die by fear today, and tomorrow

you're not that important
ID, please

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: money music song conspiracy original truth gyz

Latex Tubifex

2012.01.08. 20:16 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Latex Tubifex. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

put me through, dear lady
we don't want to keep her waiting
we've built her good
and she's alive
moves with the whirlwind
with the night

because she is a

hyper-hardwired datagirl
trigger-based counter-saboteur
striking the pose
making the call
appropriate counter-thought control

we've built her good
and she's alive
moves with the whirlwind
with the night

play along
through a percept
dress it in a haze
know your role
the season premiere
mouse inside the maze

are you latex tubifex?
are you? are you ?
are you latex tubifex?
are you? are you?

we've built her good
and she's alive
moves with the whirlwind
with the night
modus operandi turbo
piloting a fake U.F.O.

because she is a

hyper-hardwired datagirl
trigger-based counter-saboteur
striking the pose making the call
appropriate counter-thought control

play along
through a percept
dress it in a haze
know your role
the season premiere
mouse inside the maze

are you latex tubifex?
are you? are you ?
are you latex tubifex?
are you? are you?

heroes and mirrors, made of steel
littering the will


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Címkék: music song conspiracy original truth gyz

Global Warning - Turbo Pineal Gland

2012.01.01. 23:32 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Global Warning - Turbo Pineal Gland. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

keep that primal rage
on a separate page
for the one that you suffocate
tell it how it feels to be
out of all minds then
wage your war with peace

ultimate in intent
this is not a drill
turbo pineal gland
interplanetary collapse
in this special news bulletin

infinite number of truths
entertains the absolute
why don't you seek inside
make it good make it right

p, r, i, m, a, l rage

this is a global warning
this is not a drill
stick to your comfort zone
bring a dream to kill

infinite number of truths
entertains the absolute
why don't you seek inside
make it good make it right

ultimate in intent
this is not a drill
turbo pineal gland
interplanetary collapse
in this special news bulletin

this is not a drill

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Címkék: music song original gland gyz consciousness pineal

Christmas Swing

2011.12.25. 22:22 GyZ

GyZ covers : Christmas Swing by Django Reinhardt. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :


hm, I'm in the mood for

a beautiful christmas time
with beautiful people in their prime

your beautiful parents
loving you for what you are

talented gifter


beautiful, beautiful
people in their prime
having their, living their
christmas, christmas time


oh, you killed me

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Címkék: jazz music christmas swing django song gypsy reinhardt manouche gyz

Lady Gagga Ragga

2011.12.18. 01:54 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Lady Gagga Ragga. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

meome papea
meome gaga
meome pnopbip
ohm gaga

Lady Gagga
looking for something
something in you
Lady Gagga
making it out
with someone like you

meome papea
meome gaga
meome pnopbip
ohm gaga

Lady Gagga fat boy
likes to play the guitar

damm, dobidumm, ippon
zippadu, rem, test
ohm, tekenehanes
ohm, baccarin, ippon
zippadu, com, test
ohm, tekenehanes

meome papea
meome gaga
meome pnopbip
ohm gaga

you're always on the run
stop and love someone
meome pnopbip
ohm gaga

Lady Gagga fat boy
likes to play the guitar

meome papea
meome gaga
meome pnopbip
ohm gaga

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Címkék: music song original gyz

Monochrome - You're Explosion

2011.12.11. 15:13 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Monochrome - You're Explosion. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

you explode in chrome
surround monochrome

you utterly explode
your liver on my face again
your source is still intact
a smile without a link
I wipe it off and think
how to not regret a thing

you are explosion
brand new game I run
out of chance to believe
in your death you detonate

you are explosion
brand new game I run
your love still breeds with faith
in your death you detonate

I want you in chrome
and not monochrome
to love the way you are
silent as a star

you are explosion
brand new game I run
out of chance to believe
in your death you detonate

you are explosion
brand new game I run
your love still breeds with faith
in your death you detonate

you explode in chrome
surround monochrome


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Címkék: music song original gyz

Dancefloor Flanker

2011.12.04. 21:44 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Dancefloor Flanker. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

a foreign thought
will I ever see it dissipate
forming a thing
I can eagerly anticipate

I'm not even here
I'm just moving the body
in rhythmic fashion
look how the lady
fires the fingers of utter rejection

I'm a dancefloor flanker
comfort zone corrupter

watch out
I'm flanking her right now
watch out
I'm flanking from inside

I'm moving in right now
to become the DLV
now I know what it stands for
as this woman dances through me

your all-time handy pump action
your fingers of cold rejection
I didn't even want a start
and yet it finds its way to heart
let me just hide behind the tears
until this new shame disappears
I will inform the conscious mind
that you are not even my type

watch out
I'm flanking her right now
watch out
I'm flanking from inside

I'm a dancefloor flanker
comfort zone corrupter

you are all life
a splendid sight to see
and my favorite line
is not even with me
for a moment
I thought you give the eye
my-my-my-my delusion
I love it, 'cause it's mine

your all-time handy pump action
your fingers of cold rejection
I didn't even want a start
and yet it finds its way to heart
let me just hide behind the tears
until this new shame disappears
I will inform the conscious mind
that you are not even my type

I'm moving in right now
to become the DLV
now I know what it stands for
as this woman dances through me

watch out
I'm flanking her right now
watch out
I'm flanking from inside

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Címkék: up music value song original pick pua demonstration lower gyz sarging dlv


2011.11.27. 23:23 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Hitchhiker. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

exiled from the world
I drive on
and remain sober as a crowbar
you're no passenger

you're the messenger
pardon me
I turn off my receiver
you're no passenger

it went up in a dream
by the morning after
I'm hitchhiker
you become the driver

oh, pinger of the road
pardon me
I prefer your story untold

watch me drive away in haste
without a face

you're the messenger
pardon me
I turn off my receiver
you're no passenger

it went up in a dream
by the morning after
I'm hitchhiker
you become the driver

will you drive away in haste
without a face?

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music song original gyz hitchhiking

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