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Az újságírás kinyír, de életben tart míg csinálod




2011.04.24. 22:30 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Unfulfilled. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

such slender intention
slithers on unsown seed of direst need

as all the words you swallow
are new wounds to feed

a promise unfulfilled
still lingers around
for it still remembers

with hope it twists and sways
it sways
and flatters all excuses as its dancers
its dancers

craved the promise that you made
hoping hope will fade
squandered all the bliss of trust you killed

will this much needed gap you fill
remember your promise still,
making whole my unfulfilled?

who am I to cry
who am I to cry
and to wonder why
and to wonder why

who are you to cry?

who am I to cry
who am I to cry
and to wonder why
and to wonder why

such slender intention
slithers on unsown seed of direst need

as all the words you swallow
are new wounds to feed

a promise unfulfilled
still lingers around
for it still remembers

with hope it twists and sways
it sways
and flatters all excuses as its dancers
its dancers

craved the promise that you made
hoping hope will fade
squandered all the bliss of trust you killed

will this much needed gap you fill
remember your promise still,
making whole my unfulfilled?

who am I to cry
who am I to cry
and to wonder why
and to wonder why

who are you to cry?

who am I to cry
who am I to cry
and to wonder why
and to wonder why

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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