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Fine Lines Fat Hopes

2011.04.05. 23:15 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Fine Lines Fat Hopes. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

fat hopes breed vision things
find glory in defeat
fat hopes breed vision things
find glory, vision things

wrinkled enemy
if hell is other people
then what is the me
bring something forth
which is failure to elicit
destroy it recall it
worship the deficit

but what I destroy
escapes me still
lefts me with nothing
but the memory of the kill
a gap accessible
for foreign eyes
a shelter for lies
the all-compromise

taking a chunk
right out of time's meat
infinite dream in
sheer retreat
this new kind of flesh
grabs the seat and speaks :
find glory in defeat

new fine lines of life
tame them nice and slow
or go with the flow
fat hopes are
always ready to go

wrinkled enemy
if hell is other people
then what is the me
bring something forth
which is failure to elicit
destroy it recall it
worship the deficit

but what I destroy
escapes me still
lefts me with nothing
but the memory of the kill
a gap accessible
for foreign eyes
a shelter for lies
the all-compromise

taking a chunk
right out of time's meat
infinite dream in
sheer retreat
this new kind of flesh
grabs the seat and speaks :
find glory in defeat

new fine lines of life
tame them nice and slow
or go with the flow
fat hopes are
always ready to go

fat hopes breed vision things
find glory in defeat
fat hopes breed vision things
find glory, vision things

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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