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Postal YabiYabi

2011.03.02. 22:33 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Postal YabiYabi. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

antidepressants may cause motor activity
psychomotor agitation enemy

whenever the mirror is staring at me
being manic, is not something I want to be

in a sane world, where sleeping is the pill
you'll bury all your guns
for life preserves the kill
and wo-ohohoho

yabi yabi
yibi yabi

don't go postal

antidepressants may cause motor activity
psychomotor agitation enemy

whenever the mirror is staring at me
being manic, is not something I want to be

in a sane world, where sleeping is the pill
antidepressants are bad news
that's why I'm happy instead

oh, I'll be good, I'll be nice
oh, I won't go postal

I'll go instead

yabi yabi
yibi yabi

don't go postal

never kill the thing,
don't believe the thing
look it or taste it
or just touch it or paste it
don't believe the thing

dream it and reach it
or just fake it or take it
or just lick it or love it
or just reject and leave it
or just shake it and feel it
or just go try to make it
never kill the thing

in a sane world, where sleeping is the pill
you'll bury all your guns
for life preserves the kill
and wo-ohohoho

don't go postal

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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