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Billboard Intimacy

2011.02.27. 11:46 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Billboard Intimacy. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

knife for an angel, safety for danger
she never stays
out of the room out of town out of world
in the mind she reigns

came crushing in
with the permanent lipstick
and crowbar style
never eluded the bitter deluded

knife for an angel, safety for danger
she never stays
out of the room out of town out of world
in the mind she reigns

one in a million to defile the billion
spins me around and around
she is the longest of blocks playing Tetris
and I'm her hound

dismissed and known as
the recognized obsolete one
she gives the door and she hits me with curse
and her scent remains

your intimacy
unleash all your billboard dramatics

your intimacy
grab a drink and make a brand new pick

your intimacy
put on the face I knew and you denied

your intimacy
you're giving all, having nothing worth to hide

I love you

your intimacy
your very best
cheapest commodity

your intimacy is publicity
nobody knows your true name
your charm about to be expired
your conscience against all the blame

it's a shame how you always end up the same

came crushing in
with the permanent lipstick
and crowbar style
never eluded the bitter deluded

knife for an angel, safety for danger
she never stays
out of the room out of town out of world
in the mind she reigns

one in a million to defile the billion
spins me around and around
she is the longest of blocks playing Tetris
and I'm her hound

dismissed and known as
the recognized obsolete one
she gives the door and she hits me with curse
and her scent remains

your intimacy
your very best
cheapest commodity

your intimacy is publicity
nobody knows your true name
your charm about to be expired
your conscience against all the blame

your intimacy is publicity
it's a shame how you always end up the same
I love you
it's a shame how you always end up the same

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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