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Masked Inside - Hollow Only One

2011.02.09. 02:39 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Masked Inside - Hollow Only One. Please listen in HD.

Lyrics :

praise no more of your grace
investor of hate,
in front of eyes you calmly hide,
with toy joy on your side

roles, never to be played,
make love with the shade,
it is the chase you leave behind,
a silent war implied

pave all the roads they crave,
take all but the rave
violent wisdom leaves no trace
spoken by covered face

fine, time took too much you
you took too much time,
wanting none of the masquerade,
and now you're masked inside

run, animal within,
you leftover for sin,
dismiss the curtain,
chew the truth
or let it suffocate

let difference be hate

hate, hate

hello hollow one,
darkest shadow on the run,
fear is having fun,
telling everything you've done

blackened heart no more,
counting new doors on the wall
hollow only one
look up and
spit into the sun

hate, hate

hate to hate, it's getting so late to hate,
it's getting too late to hate,
I'm getting to hate to hate

time took too much you
and now you're masked inside
comfort of madness
agenda death to hide

a peculiar specimen

pave all the roads they crave,
take all but the rave
violent wisdom leaves no trace
spoken by covered face

fine, time took too much you
you took too much time,
wanting none of the masquerade,
and now you're masked inside

run, animal within,
you leftover for sin,
dismiss the curtain,
chew the truth
or let it suffocate

let difference be hate

praise no more of your grace
investor of hate,
in front of eyes you calmly hide,
with toy joy on your side

roles, never to be played,
make love with the shade,
it is the chase you leave behind,
a silent war implied

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music one only inside original hollow gyz masked

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