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Infinite Ways

2011.04.11. 12:19 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Infinite Ways. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

your pretty pretty pretty face
slips away infinite ways
so I must find a way to
know and to feel
how to prevent this steal
and make you real

keeping it realer than real

after all this time
after all this time
you're still not mine

tell me tell me
how do you
make beauty look so bad
got to comfort you
caress you infinite ways

then there are moments, telling me
that I never have been so bold
as to imagine what your
kind of hunger entertains
out of separate ways

after all this time
after all this time
you're still not mine

unto that tender depth I need to know
in your eyes, serenity sublime

no need for the sign
since through the stars you shine

kiss me lick me hit me feel me

there is a thing I need to do,
it is a dream that has a place for you
there is a thing I need to do
just wait 'till I get through

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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