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Infallible Eavesdropper

2011.03.07. 21:54 GyZ

GyZ gives you the song : Infallible Eavesdropper. Listen in HD please.

Lyrics :

it's just so cold to the touch
you'll fail to realize
you just got into its way
while it was seeking its demise

formless if it so prefers
in front of the one it fed
ignorance is partner
until it remembers you instead

will it get better with time?

infallible eavesdropper,
it knows who you are,
it is all you loath and fear of,
and you are its spy

repulsion, evident-rampant,
holding your hand in its jaw,
look it in the eye, accept it
and it will let you go

it will let you go

it's just so cold to the touch
you'll fail to realize
you just got into its way
while it was seeking its demise

formless if it so prefers
in front of the one it fed
ignorance is partner
until it remembers you instead

seeking this peace
missing a piece

how could you find it
when you have it anyway

it will let you go

evil lets you go

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: music original gyz

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